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In these challenging times, you’re invited to increase your skills to thrive—not just to survive. Good intentions are helpful, but they aren’t enough to cope with compounding stresses. It’s time to strengthen ALL types of your intelligences: physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual.
You Can Transform and “Sweeten” Your Life with PIES—
Physical, Intellectual, Emotional & Spiritual Intelligences.
As a Certified Life and Spiritual Coach, and also a Thinking Styles Consultant, I’ll support you to expand your resiliency and communication skills. You'll discover new tools to understand what keeps you stuck, how to release old response patterns, as well as create new responses that serve you better.
For over 22 years, I've been encouraging individuals, partners and work teams to increase mutual respect to get along better. I apply my B.A. and Master’s Degrees, with a focus on communication studies, to empower people to manage their differences more effectively. I look forward to assisting you to create greater satisfaction in ALL areas of your life.
Celebrate Advent and Other Multi-cultural Holidays of Light,
Amidst the Darkness
By Susie Leonard Weller, M.A.
Although Jesus lived during the tumultuous times of Roman oppression, slavery, and significant religious divisions, he continued to preach the "Good News." During this Advent Season (December 1-24) and other holidays celebrating light amid darkness in the Northern Hemisphere, find ways to express your light in our world. Instead of focusing on what divides, discover ways to build bridges that unite us.
Advent and "advent"ure share the Latin root "to come." This season invites us to explore what wants to "come" into our lives. Facing and transforming our fears can become a "midwife" to give birth to what is Divine within. Similar to the slow process of gestation in pregnancy, it takes time to grow our capacity for new life. Advent is an opportunity to deepen our commitment to slow down and enjoy a meaningful holiday season.
For Christians, the evergreen Advent wreath with four candles is a reminder of eternal life. The first purple, or Prophecy Candle, reminds us to be hopeful and trust the promises from God will be fulfilled. The second purple, or Bethlehem Candle, invites us to become peacemakers and to honor Jesus as the Prince of Peace. The third candle is pink, a liturgical color for joy. As the Shepherd's Candle, it prompts us to find joy amid challenges and celebrates the shepherd's jubilant anticipation of seeing the Christ Child in Bethlehem. The fourth candle is purple, or Angel's Candle, and focuses on love and God's presence in our midst. Some people add a fifth white candle, the Christ Candle, on Christmas day. It celebrates the infinite love of God for each of us. ..... Read More ->
Click here to download a full sized PDF version
Read Susie's Advent article on the FAVS website
Living with uncertainty: Embracing grace in the midst of life’s challenges
Commentary by Susie Leonard Weller | FāVS News
Read the Article on FAVS website
I was featured in the FAVS (Faith and Values Spokane) Blog as part of their November Giving Campaign
Read the FAVS Article
Read Susie's commentary at SpokaneFavs.com
Courageous Conversations to Discern
Healthy and Unhealthy Expressions of Spirituality
History of the Season for Nonviolence
The annual 64-day Season for Nonviolence was launched at the United Nations in 1998. Since then, peacemakers from over 67 countries have participated in this educational and grassroots campaign. It was co-founded by Gandhi’s grandson, Arun, and the Association for Global New Thought (AGNT).
The season spans these two memorial anniversaries: Mahatma Gandhi (January 30th) and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (April 4th).
For more resources to support being a peacemaker, visit the Association for Global New Thought at www.agnt.org
64 days of
Reflections & Actions
for Peacemaking
By Susie Leonard Weller, M.A
The intent of this booklet is to support personal reflection and application of the principles on nonviolence, to promote group discussion, and to strengthen commitment to take action as peacemakers.
Feeling shattered is not the end of the story. Being a peacemaker is the willingness to be “cracked open” and praying for the Light to flow from the inside, out.

“Expansion” Bronze is sculpted by Paige Bradley. Photo by Victor Lefar.
Visit Paige’s website at www.paigebradley.com for more details.
Click here to get your copy of Susie's booklet from AGNT as a Power Point.
Or get a pdf copy here